I had the privilege of photographing Joanna & Ryan's wedding the first weekend of August. It was a simply stunning day outdoors on Joanna's grandparents land in Buxton, Maine. I love working with a crowd who can have fun and enjoy themselves. This crew most certainly celebrated while dancing on the hill and toasting the newly married Duffy's! View the full slideshow here
July has come and gone as we now welcome the unexpected August weather. July was full of visitors. Finally, i was able to show this piece of beauty to some friends and the 'rents. It also allowed me to become a tourist all over again. Britt and her mom were the first out-of-town-ers to explore this beautiful state with me. We drove up north to hike Acadia National Park. we were covered in fog and spits of rain, but despite the weather, we still always managed to make an adventure together. We then saw portland, went sailing, and laughed through dinner jokes as the sun decided to break the misty air. So much love for these two, i don't know where i would be without them. it was a sweet visit.
I was lucky to spend a day and a morning with Allison and her family as they drove through on their way up to Bar Harbor. Allison just returned from the Dominican Republic and was preparing to make her way to Dallas. Getting to know her family and catching up as she bakery / coffee shop hopped through the city was a refreshing little retreat in the middle of the week.
The last week of July was spent with my generous and up-for-anything parents. the week was used up, as much as it could be and it was one of the best vacations i have had, mostly because of beautiful Monhegan Island. We drove up route one to take a boat to this little fairytale land made up of seventeen miles of hiking trails. The flowers were more vibrant, the cliffs more ocean stretching, and the woods more majestic. There were scattered art studios on the island and many groups of artists spread among the trails and cliffs with their palettes full of color and their canvases reflecting the scenery. Everything about the island seemed but a dream. After a night in our cottage beds, and many hikes later, we were back on a boat headed to town. We then revisited the Black Point Inn and Prouts Neck in southern Maine. We biked around the beach, had native blueberries, and most definitely had a taste of Maine from many top restaurants in portland. July was full of all things summer.
Thankful for everyone who came to explore this wonderful niche of the world i have called home. check back for more possible photos of each trip.